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Developmental Disabilities

The TFCC’s Developmental Disabilities Team provides access to local, regional, and statewide resources for children and adults who experience a developmental disability

Developmental Disabilities Services

What is a developmental disability?

A developmental disability is a disability diagnosed as a mental or physical condition or a combination of mental and physical conditions resulting in significant impairments to daily functioning. The disability:

  • Must have its origin in the brain
  • Must be established prior to the age of 22, or in the case of intellectual disabilities the condition must be determined before 18 years of age
  • Must be expected to last indefinitely
  • Must result in significant impairments in at least two areas of daily functioning: self-care, communication, cognitive, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency
  • The impairments must not be primarily related to mental illness, substance abuse, an emotional disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a learning disability, or sensory impairment
  • The most common developmental disabilities include intellectual disabilities, Down Syndrome, Autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and fetal alcohol effect or fetal alcohol syndrome.


What services are available?

The Tillamook Family Counseling Center’s Developmental Disabilities Team provides access to local, regional, and statewide resources for children and adults who experience a developmental disability.

In addition to comprehensive case management and service coordination, our staff assists with early intervention and phase of life transitions. Our team will work closely with eligible individuals to ensure needs are addressed in a comprehensive and collaborative manner utilizing a variety of strategies including, but not limited to:

  • Linkages to services that maximize family and self-directed supports
  • Ongoing service plan development and monitoring
  • In-home comprehensive services
  • Supported living services
  • Youth and adult foster care monitoring
  • Provide placement opportunities under residential and foster care locally or statewide
  • Supported employment
  • Adult abuse investigations and protective services

How do I make a report about abuse or neglect?

If you suspect abuse or neglect of an adult with developmental disabilities or an adult with mental illness in Tillamook County, report suspected abuse or neglect to Kieley Petrey, TFCC’s Adult Abuse Investigator. Your report is confidential. To learn more about how to report abuse and neglect, visit the Oregon Department of Human Services.

Kieley Petrey, BS
503-815-5459-Office Phone
971-341-1741- Cell Phone

To make a report about abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person after hours, please call Oregon’s 24-hour abuse reporting hotline at 855-503-7233 (SAFE). I​f you think​ someone is in danger or being hurt, call ​911 immediately.

Are you interested in a career as a Personal Support Worker (PSW)?

If you are passionate about helping others in your community, you may be interested in learning more about a career as a personal support worker (PSW). PSWs support children and adults experiencing intellectual or developmental disabilities, or adults experiencing a mental illness, in their own homes and communities. To learn more about this opportunity, contact Jolene Mooney with TFCC’s Developmental Disabilities or visit Oregon Home Care Commission website.

Jolene Kyriss-Mooney
Direct Line (971) 341-1748