Janeane Krongos, TFCC’s Prevention Specialist, is pleased to announce that the Tillamook Family Counseling Center will once again be offering a virtual Question, Persuade, & Refer(QPR) Gatekeeper training. The QPR Gatekeeper training will be presented virtually, September 11th, from 10:00 to 11:30 AM.
The QPR Gatekeeper training is a community mental health intervention that was listed on SAMSHA’s National Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices as an effective suicide prevention training. This training was designed to be beneficial for all adults, including: parents, teachers, employers, health staff, and hospitality staff. This training will be offered at no cost to the participant (registration for this training will be limited to 20 participants that reside or work in Tillamook County).
If you would like to register for this virtual QPR training, please contact JaneaneK@TFCC.org or by calling (503)842-8201 extension #270.